Thursday, July 31, 2008

A House!

I don't know if I have ever been this tired. It's 11:15 PM here in Spain and we've been going hard at it all day.

To start off our day we finally got all our paperwork together and we were able to register with City Hall.

Josh went and spent the day at IMM where they were shooting Buddy Barrel's 60th Birthday Party! While he was having a great time eating pizza and cake, we were at the house putting together the kitchen table and chairs and the girls bunk beds. I really missed my Dewalt cordless drill....

The house was still without power until a wonderful dude showed and up waved his magic cordless drill and then we had power! As soon as we had power we rushed off to the local Carrefour (sort of like a Wal-Mart) and bought three fans. One for each of our bedrooms! Homes don't have AC like we have back in the states. You can but air conditioners but they run from €200 on up.

We came back and finished up the girls bunks, had a little dinner and cooled off a bit(I miss ice too!) before we ran to the grocery store and to Jon and Bonnie Coopers to pick up an air mattress. Anna, Josh and I get to camp out on air mattress until our container arrives in a few months. But its all good my friends we are in Spain! We can't wait until language school starts!

I used up my entire one semester of college Spanish in the Madrid airport. Then Mark and Ellen Cannon showed us this youtube video and we could relate. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

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