Sunday, November 1, 2009

Summer Encounters with God.

I was 15 years old when I first went to Youth Camp. To say that I was totally unprepared for the experience would be an understatement. It seems that year the camp was desperately short of staff for Kids camp. They we’re so in need of staff that the DYD, we called them D-CAP back then for “District CA President” which was short for “District Christ Ambassador’s President”… yeah, DYD is much better, called his mother-in-law for anyone who might have a pulse and was a Christian to come help. A short time later I found myself on a Greyhound bus bound for Marianna Florida and the West Florida Camp Grounds.

After that amazing experience where I saw kids as young as nine years old being saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, and called into the ministry I was hooked on Youth Camp. Every summer afterward I would go and spend as many weeks as I could as a staffer at kid’s camp then a camper at teen camp. When I was old enough I would spend five weeks during the summer at camp as staff for both kids and youth camps.

It was at camp where God changed my life so amazingly. I was baptized in the Holy Spirit at youth Camp; I was called into the ministry at youth camp; and I was directed to Southeastern to prepare for the ministry at youth camp. Perhaps you or a member of your family had a summer encounter with God.

Unfortunately many of our Missionary Kids do not have an opportunity to have a those Summer Encounters with God. During the time they are on the field there is no youth camp, and when they are back in the states itinerating they are traveling many long miles with their parents to help raise their budget to go back to the field.

Anna and I are so excited that in July of 2010 we will be having the first ever Southern Europe MK camp! As you can imagine it can be quite a logistical challenge to coordinate a camp for the various countries where we have MKs. The cost of getting the kids to camp can be quite a challenge as well. However our Area Director has approved a special project account for us to be able to help our Missionary Kids with events such as camps, retreats and ministry trips.

Can you help a missionary Kid have a Summer Encounter with God with a onetime gift or a monthly pledge? Could your youth group or kids church “adopt” an MK and sponsor them for their Summer Encounter with God? Perhaps there are some people in your church willing to help. If so, you can donate through your church, please specify that you would like to help SEMK (Southern Europe Missionary Kids) Account # 2509156 (class 60) 9373. Or you can call Contributor services toll free at 1-877-840-4800. When you call be sure to give them that huge account number 2509156 (class 60) 9373.

Through your financial help and fervent prayers, we believe that this July 2010, many MK’s will have a Summer Encounter with God! Thank you!