Monday, August 25, 2008

Please Pray

We have a few challenges that have popped up that we would really appreciate your prayers on.

The first is our residency paperwork. It seems that the official here wants an original document that is still in the possession of the Miami consulate. This particular official really seems to dislike us and is making thing difficult. We need that document very soon or we don't know what will happen to our residence status. Please pray for favor with the government officials and that we can get that document in time or better yet, complete the process with out the document.

Second, we have everything we need to get our Speed the Light vehicle. Please pray that there are no hitches when STL transfers the funds internationally to the dealership and that we can get the vehicle registered on our temporary residence number. In the past it hasn't been a problem to get a vehicle on a temporary number, but we just had a missionary get denied.

Finally, we start school on September 2nd. We will be going to the University of Alcala. They have been teaching the Spanish language and Spanish grammar since 1499 so I'm fairly confident they can get Spanish into my thick skull. Please pray that we learn the language well so that we can spread the gospel effectively.

Thank you so much for your prayers, it means the world to us! If you have a moment please feel free to leave us a comment so we know your praying.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Survivor (Part 2)

Much of our time so far has been learning how survive and completing the visa process. Grocery shopping and cooking are one example. When Anna would go grocery shopping in the states, she would get everything she needed at one or two stores. Now she has to go to three or four to get not only the best price, but to get the item she wants. Everything is in Spanish (we are, after all, in Spain) so she had to learn the difference between Cebolla en Polvo, Ajo en polvo, and Albahaca

The adventures don't end at the grocery store. Anna has been learning how to cook all over again. She has to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius and lean to cook with different ingredients. The stove she uses has very cryptic markings for temperature and it likes to get very hot very quickly. A few times our dinner has been "well done". But she has really gotten the hang of it in the past week and our meals have been outstanding!

In other news, Rebekah lost her first tooth! Here she is posing with a flower she bought for one of her friends.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

A Few Changes

I've made a few changes to the blog. Updated the look a bit and discovered that no one could leave posts without being a blogger member. I've changed that, so now anyone can leave comments, however I've added the moderator feature to cut down on spam. So feel free to leave any comments. We love to hear from you!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Survivor (Part 1)

Most of our time in Spain so far has been spent adjusting and surviving. Having the power turned on, learning our way around (our GPS has been a blessing!) learning what is what in the grocery store and even learning how to cook all over again.

Today was spent trying to find our language school in Alcala. We eventually found it and picked up our applications. After that we went to a grocery store and did the weekly shopping. The milk is fresh and doesn't last very long, and the bread turns into a brick if left over night. So far its been quite the adventure.

Here are some pictures of our journey to Spain.