Wednesday, January 16, 2008

A Message from Anna

(Note: As many of you know Anna had to be rushed to the hospital at the beginning of this month. Here is Anna's response to all your kind prayers, emails, and notes. Thank you for praying!)

Dear family and friends,

We are so grateful for the outpouring of prayer support our family received last week. Your prayers and encouraging words sustained us through a difficult time. With each email we received we were reminded of the Faithfulness of our God. Thank you for taking time to respond in our time of need. Know that your encouraging words are cherished and read over many times.

When I was admitted to the hospital my white blood cell count was high and my blood pressure would drop every time I would stand which would lead to me fainting. I was given antibiotics and told it would take 2-3 days for the count to return to normal. The next morning the doctor said that my white count was down, but he still wanted to do further testing. After a long day of testing I was released with Potassium tablets because by potassium was low. I am still tired, but thankful to be home with my family. Next week I have more lab work to make sure my Potassium is at a normal level. Please continue to pray that all lab work results will be normal.

We love and appreciate you all so much.

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